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Namangan viloyati, Namangan sh. Маргилон МФЙ, Маргилон кучаси, 41-уй
Participated tenders
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 11.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 11.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 11.11.2022
Покупка строительных материалов
suitcase Tender winner
"STOCK MARKET BIG TRADE" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
Tax Committee
Big tax payer
Management information

The above information is current for 13.04.2023 days. The latest you can get the information from the site

* Chart information will be updated!

* Information will be updated in 1 day!

* Your organization's phone number will not be visible to anyone!


TIN - Taxpayer identification number

COLF - Classifier of organizational and legal forms

DSSEMA - Designation system of state and economic management agencies

SCTEA - State classifier of types of economic activities

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Note: All information provided on the site is unofficial. You can get official information from the websites of relevant state organizations