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Toshkent viloyati, Toshkent tumani, М.Йулдашова кучаси 57-уй
Participated tenders
tender Tender winner
calendar 17.11.2023
Организация горячего питания 2023 4-кв
suitcase Tender winner
"JASURBEK YUKSALISH OMAD" Масъулияти чекланган жамияти
tender Tender winner
calendar 14.07.2023
Озик-овкат махсулотлари сабзовотлар
111,510,000.00 UZS
suitcase Tender winner
"JASURBEK YUKSALISH OMAD" Масъулияти чекланган жамияти
tender Tender winner
calendar 10.07.2023
Озик-овкат махсулотлари
614,285,000.00 UZS
suitcase Tender winner
"JASURBEK YUKSALISH OMAD" Масъулияти чекланган жамияти
tender Tender winner
calendar 10.03.2023
ТТБ иссик овкат етказиб бериш аутсорсинг хизмати
231,840,000.00 UZS
suitcase Tender winner
"JASURBEK YUKSALISH OMAD" Масъулияти чекланган жамияти
Tax Committee
Big tax payer
Management information

The above information is current for 29.07.2023 days. The latest you can get the information from the site

* Chart information will be updated!

* Information will be updated in 1 day!


TIN - Taxpayer identification number

THSHT - Classifier of organizational and legal forms

DBIBT - Designation system of state and economic management agencies

IFUT - State classifier of types of economic activities

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Note: All information provided on the site is unofficial. You can get official information from the websites of relevant state organizations