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Namangan viloyati, Chortoq tumani, Chortoq shahri O`zbekiston MFY, O`zbekiston ko`chasi, 157-uy
Participated tenders
tender Tender winner
calendar 25.08.2022
На приобретение офисный оборудования
210,974,170.00 UZS
suitcase Tender winner
"IDEA UNION" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 24.08.2022
На приобретение кафейный оборудования
32,008,500.00 UZS
suitcase Tender winner
"IDEA UNION" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
tender Tender winner
calendar 23.08.2022
На приобретение комуникационний и компьютерний обородувания
989,340,600.00 UZS
suitcase Tender winner
"IDEA UNION" mas`uliyati cheklangan jamiyati
Stability rating

This information is valid for 07.05.2024 days. You can get the latest information from

Tax Committee
Big tax payer
Management information

The above information is current for 08.07.2023 days. The latest you can get the information from the site

* Chart information will be updated!

* Information will be updated in 1 day!

* Your organization's phone number will not be visible to anyone!


TIN - Taxpayer identification number

COLF - Classifier of organizational and legal forms

DSSEMA - Designation system of state and economic management agencies

SCTEA - State classifier of types of economic activities

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Note: All information provided on the site is unofficial. You can get official information from the websites of relevant state organizations