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Finished April 28, 2022
Qashqadaryo viloyati, Koson tumani, Rudaksoy QFY Sherbek mahallasi, Sherbek ko'chasi, 3-uy
Finished Sept. 5, 1996
Toshkent shahri, Mirzo Ulug'bek tumani пос.Улугбек Геологическая партия
Finished July 25, 2011
Xorazm viloyati, Urganch sh. Hавоий кучаси 81-уй 19-хона
Nov. 18, 2015
Xorazm viloyati, Yangiariq tumani, Ostona QFY Ostona mahallasi
Sept. 22, 2022
Surxondaryo viloyati, Uzun tumani, Oq Ostona QFY Serharakat mahallasi, Bunyodkor 6 ko'chasi, 111-uy
Note: All information provided on the site is unofficial. You can get official information from the websites of relevant state organizations