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June 2, 2003
Namangan viloyati, Namangan tumani, Toshbuloq shaharchasi Mullakuding MFY, Mustaqillik ko'chasi, 2-uy
Finished March 31, 2005
Samarqand viloyati, Tayloq tumani, G'o'lba QFY Галлаботир кишлоги
Finished March 25, 2015
Xorazm viloyati, Xazorasp tumani, Karvak QFY Yangi obod mahallasi
June 24, 2022
Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi, Amudaryo tumani, Mang'it shahri Chordara MFY, Buyuk Turon shox ko'chasi, 38-uy
April 23, 2021
Buxoro viloyati, G'ijduvon tumani, G'ovshun QFY Xonaqo qishlog'i
Dec. 2, 2020
Buxoro viloyati, Buxoro sh. Tagi qala ko`chasi, 322-uy
Note: All information provided on the site is unofficial. You can get official information from the websites of relevant state organizations