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Finished July 15, 1996
Namangan viloyati, Namangan sh. 3 Микрорайон Дом Пионеров
July 8, 2024
Toshkent shahri, Uchtepa tumani KO'XNA CHO'PON OTA MFY, 13 MAVZESI, 30-UY, 26-XONA
Finished April 8, 1998
Buxoro viloyati, G'ijduvon tumani, G'ijduvon shahri ул.Мустакилик 2
Finished Aug. 28, 1996
Andijon viloyati, Asaka tumani, Asaka shahri Сохил буйи кучаси 10
May 15, 2023
Toshkent viloyati, Nurafshon shahri Ma'rifat mahallasi, Xayot ko'chasi, 10-uy
Note: All information provided on the site is unofficial. You can get official information from the websites of relevant state organizations