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Finished July 13, 2016
Qashqadaryo viloyati, Kitob tumani, Qo'yioqboy QFY Kusam qishlog'i
Finished Feb. 27, 2014
Jizzax viloyati, Sharof Rashidov tumani, Fayzobod QFY Xamzaobod qo'rg'oni
Finished March 28, 2006
Toshkent viloyati, Qibray tumani, Do'rmon QFY им. Маткабулова
Finished Sept. 6, 2021
Toshkent viloyati, O'rtachirchiq tumani, Qumovul QFY Sholikor mahallasi, Tanovor ko`chasi, 33-uy
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